Friday, 9 May 2014

cover work for Friday 09th May

I am sorry I will not be there - I am as i predicted invigilating the practical exams.

Today please complete 2 essays and put them in my pigeonhole at the end of the morning - i will mark them over the weekend ready for next week. - Charlie and Matt I have an essay marked for you to collect - come to WG11 to get it please.
you can also email your essays to the usual email address.

please do the following:
For each essay please:

  • spend 20 minutes planning what you will say in each section - keep it as bullet points/mindmap etc
  • write the essay allowing your allocated time including extra time - to a maximum of 40 minutes
  • if you run out of time just list what else you would have said under a dividing line
  • hand them to me including notes/plans
the two essay titles are:
1. which media texts and producers have influenced your creativity and post production processes?

2. what pre-production planning techniques did you employ?. How effective was your planning and how did it help you to be creative in the production and post-production phase?

Remember the aim of the essay is to show development as a producer across at least 2 productions and over time, plus show understanding and knowledge of key media concepts, conventions and terminology