I have emailed the technician asking him to have all video cameras moved up to CM21 with Ms Moore / still cameras are on the desk in my office. Post-it notes are in a box on the purple table by the darkroom door in WG11
TODAY - we need to start to plan for the film so
DRIVING QUESTION: how can you effectively show development of an idea, from basic to preparing to shoot?
CHALLENGE: work as a scriptwriter, producer and camera operator: present all these aspects of your film ideas in a way that is visually appealing but includes a lot of information
- begin with a simple plot discourse - outline your narrative story in a paragraph then outline the plot
- use post-it notes to sketch different shots/frames, arrange and photograph - remeber to include dialogue etc
- photograph location types
- photograph 'stills' you will use of characters
- video a discussion/talking head outlineing your idea/why/how/etc
- upload examples of clips that are similar in style or technique and annotate how they relate to your own idea
This is now time to be creative and excite your potential audience
There are lots of ways to do this - by the end of Mondays lesson I need to see a range including some of the above choices and some of your own.
Some blogs are looking excellent - others less so - please do not forget to add evidence of planning and developing ideas - upload the narrative work, upload storyboards, upload photographs of you filming etc
Thanks - see you when i am back in