Wednesday, 6 November 2013

research: using critical theories: Audience

you need to be able to show both knowledge and understanding:

means knowing about  facts, terms and concepts
means being able to use them in discussion, essays or planning - owning the knowledge and being able to re-use it in your own words and  use it to influence your own production.

Build your understanding of the work in the last lessons by: initially Deconstructing the Pete Buckingham paper Audiences: Trends, Profiles and Patterns: What People Go to See, Why and How to Reach Them


complete tasks 1-3 on the sheet:
Task 1
Read the article and make notes on the following points

Q1- page 1 – read and consider – what does he suggest influences audience patterns – is he correct in your opinion?
Q2 page 2 – what kind of audience are you  - what are your own viewing habits – how do audiences behave in the cinema
Q2b: what instruments could you use to find out about viewing habits / successful genres and narratives?
Task 2
Read pages 3-4 and think about how he explains WHY people go to the cinema; what do they want from a cinema experience and a film; what blocks them from getting involved.  Then make notes to answer Q3 & 4 reflecting on yourself as a consumer:
Q3 – motivation & behaviour
a.       Why do you watch films?

b.      What qualities attract you ( you could consider  film / actor/company/innovation / reputation etc)

c.       How do you consume films (exhibition: how it is shown – cinema/dvd/streamed/downloaded/tv as well as who with or where)
Q4. Driver and barriers – annotate his list and then create your own. – what dissuades or persuades YOU.
Task 3
Produce a report exploring the following points:
·         The different ways in which film industries and institutions categorise audiences (companies that make films and those who distribute or exhibit them)
·         The reasons they do so
·         The ways in which producers and film writers can consider audiences
·         The reasons why they do so.
·         What affects you as an audience member
You can use any method to present it – essay / prezi / powerpoint etc But you must include more than just words – links / diagrams / photos etc.
Deadline – First lesson next week

Hy 3rd Nov 2013

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