Friday, 9 May 2014

cover work for Friday 09th May

I am sorry I will not be there - I am as i predicted invigilating the practical exams.

Today please complete 2 essays and put them in my pigeonhole at the end of the morning - i will mark them over the weekend ready for next week. - Charlie and Matt I have an essay marked for you to collect - come to WG11 to get it please.
you can also email your essays to the usual email address.

please do the following:
For each essay please:

  • spend 20 minutes planning what you will say in each section - keep it as bullet points/mindmap etc
  • write the essay allowing your allocated time including extra time - to a maximum of 40 minutes
  • if you run out of time just list what else you would have said under a dividing line
  • hand them to me including notes/plans
the two essay titles are:
1. which media texts and producers have influenced your creativity and post production processes?

2. what pre-production planning techniques did you employ?. How effective was your planning and how did it help you to be creative in the production and post-production phase?

Remember the aim of the essay is to show development as a producer across at least 2 productions and over time, plus show understanding and knowledge of key media concepts, conventions and terminology

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

We will then add a post indicating the last entry on your blog. We will print out the final blog and website as a hard copy to send to the examiner. There is no extension to this deadline. 
You MUST submit:
  1. Your blog - this is the evidence of all your research and planning. This is worth  up to 30 marks
  2.  Your final constructions (short film - up to 40 marks) and the ancillary tasks (Poster and Magazine Review worth up to 10 marks each). Each should be embedded in a titled post and. This is worth up to 60 marks in total
  3.  Your Evaluation including answers to all 4 questions (worth up to 30 marks).This should take the form of a separate Blog or Website which is interactive and demonstrates a range of digital instruments. This is worth up to 30 marks
The last entries on your Blog should be (n this order):
  • Your Evaluation Website or Blog embedded in a titled post
  • The Final Short film
  • The Poster
  • the Magazine Review.
Your Blog and Website must have your name and candidate number in the title

Although we can burn copies of films onto hard disc (DVD) after Easter you must have the final film uploaded or embedded into your blog by the deadline.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

you have 6 weeks left for productions
you need to plan time carefully:
complete a detailed timeline to ensure you meet the deadline - here is an example; 

Week beginning 6th January - (exam week) filming / Photography tasks/ Uploads of footage / making animation rostrum/characters

Week beginning 13th January - editing and creation of raw footage / editing to complete the first' Cut'/ animating sequences

Week beginning 20th January - drafts of posters / collections of images for posters/ magazines

Week beginning 27th January - focus group work / re-editing / reshoots / construction of sound

Week beginning 3rd February - construction of sound / titles / final edits of films

Week beginning 10th February - exhibition and distribution of 'first cut' of final films shared on digital/social networks for the purpose of focus group feedback - use surveys/ questionnaires and allow time for feedback / work on ancillary layout/drafts

Week beginning 17th February = Half term - complete focus group research / complete Blogs / plan final improvements to productions in response to the feedback

Deadline for completed Research & Planning Blogs and First Drafts of Productions is the 28th February (Friday after half term)

Please copy and paste this structure into your own blog and then edit it to make it personal and relevant to you

you may also find here useful

Production of final Artefacts: effective time management

There are only 6 weeks left allocated for your production of all three artefacts. We are covering Brief 10.  You must submit 

A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes, which may be live action or animated or a combination of both ( it must deliver the conventions of the film genre), together with the following ancillary artefacts: 
• a poster for the film; (created for an existing, recognised location: to scale and suitable for your target audience)
• a film magazine review page featuring the film.  (for distribution/inclusion in a suitable publication that your target audience would read).

you need to be engaging actively in reflective research and looking at examples to put your own work in context.
OCR provide lots of examples: - take the time to look at the models of good practice: these show the standards expected. Look at our previous students work. Then look at the examples provided by OCR - READ THE CONTENTS

you can see an example of a final short film here
there is only one so i will try to find more

here are examples from the board of final blogs together with the marks

you have to hand in:

  • a completed Blog showing all research, organisation, planning, drafts and focus group evidence. It must also include your THREE final artefacts
  • a DVD copy of both the Film and print copies of your review/poster
  • the detailed and interactive evaluation produced as a Web-Site
Use my posts  and the examples to help you add work/decide what to include
Upload detail of all processes and work you do.