you have 6 weeks left for productions
you need to plan time carefully:
complete a detailed timeline to ensure you meet the deadline - here is an example;
Week beginning 6th January - (exam week) filming / Photography tasks/ Uploads of footage / making animation rostrum/characters
Week beginning 13th January - editing and creation of raw footage / editing to complete the first' Cut'/ animating sequences
Week beginning 20th January - drafts of posters / collections of images for posters/ magazines
Week beginning 27th January - focus group work / re-editing / reshoots / construction of sound
Week beginning 3rd February - construction of sound / titles / final edits of films
Week beginning 10th February - exhibition and distribution of 'first cut' of final films shared on digital/social networks for the purpose of focus group feedback - use surveys/ questionnaires and allow time for feedback / work on ancillary layout/drafts
Week beginning 17th February = Half term - complete focus group research / complete Blogs / plan final improvements to productions in response to the feedback
Deadline for completed Research & Planning Blogs and First Drafts of Productions is the 28th February (Friday after half term)
Please copy and paste this structure into your own blog and then edit it to make it personal and relevant to you
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